NARL 517 3D The Best Slimming Innovative Technology Award at INNOWACJA LNE Poland 2016
En la categoría de Mejor Producto de Aparatología, Didier Hamdache y Nicole Hor, presidente y directora de Nail Mundial recogieron el premio por Narl 517-3D, de la firma Narl Tokio. Narl es una tecnología desarrollada por el dr. Japonés Hiroide Miwa basada en el descubrimiento de que la aplicación de ondas de ultrasonidos tridimensionales 3D además de eliminar grasa subcutánea, elimina la grasa intra-abdominal.
NARL 517 3D :
榮獲最佳美容儀器及減肥療程大獎 2015
NARL Exclusive Supply
NARL is a patented, safe, scientifically proven, natural, non-invasive and effective naturaly lipolysis technology. Nor Adrenaline ReLease forms NARL which is the key to open the fat cells within 10 min to activate lipolysis. This effect works 30 cm deep, which explains its effectiveness on visceral fat loss and all kinds of fat. Worldwide being used by famous doctors, plastic surgeons, wellness corporations and beauty centres. Doctors recommended.
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Worldwide Reference of NARL Technology
New Launching NARL anti-cellulite shapewear
The latest complimentary consumable post-treatments dedicated to the professionals of beauty and wellness.
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NARL natural lipolysis is a directional wave specifically patented to reduce to reduce visceral fat against Central Obesity. Besides, to target your needs, NARL is effective on areas where fat locates, even on double chins, cheeks, arms, thighs and legs. "a la carte" slimming is coming from NARL technology.
NARL is made in Japan with guaranteed high quality of its devices, 3D pads, and accessories.
NH provides suitable protocols and operational manuals upon your order. You will receive a full set of marketing support materials with scientfic studies publications.
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